(+123) 4567 890

About us

The English Mission of the
Seoul Anglican Cathedral


Who We Are:

We are a welcoming and inclusive faith community.  We actively reach out to welcome everyone to join us in worship, service, and Christian education and to grow in knowledge and love of Christ Jesus.
We are a worshiping community. Acknowledging our fears and failures in an uncertain world and celebrating our blessings of living in a foreign land, we gather to worship God together. God is the strongest power to connect us, and being connected to God is to be truly blessed.
We are a fellowship community of people from diverse cultural backgrounds where everyone is encouraged to realise their calling according to their talents.  Our fellowship is more than just greetings; we come together to serve God and share our lives in worship, prayer, and action.

Church Affiliation

Anglican Church of Korea (Anglican Communion), Diocese of Seoul. Although the English Mission operates in the Anglican Cathedral as a ministry directed towards the foreign and the Korean, English-speaking communities, it is a special ministry in its own right directly under the Bishop of Seoul.

Our Church aims at sharing spiritually in the joys and sorrows of the people of this present age. We welcome all those who come to visit this place.
In order that our exhausted souls may find a space to breathe and that we can discover the meaning of life various spiritual programs are offered in this place. You can personally experience the beauty of holiness while attending a celebration of the Holy Eucharist in this Church which was the first Romanesque style building in Korea, In addition a variety of cultural performances are held here every year.
In order to overcome the pain that arises from division and conflict, we respect the variety of faith experience found in sister churches and in other faiths and in our church we wish to be able to accompany you on our common spiritual journey into a deeper awareness of the meaning of life.
We believe that it is a greater happiness to give than to receive. Our church seeks to give hope to those who are excluded and so we strive to put into pratice a life devoted to service and the spirit of sharing. We welcome you to this place.

The Five Marks of Mission
in the Anglican Communion

The Mission of the Church is the Mission of Christ
·To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
·To teach, baptize and nurture new believers
·To respond to human need by loving service
·To seek to transform unjust structures of society
·To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth


Seoul Anglican Cathedral,
The Anglican Church of Korea.

During the piscopate of the Rt. Rev. Mark N. Trollope, third Bishop of the Anglican Church of Korea, work began on the construction of Seoul Anglican Cathedral in 2911 with finances drawn from the sacrificial offerings of the faithful Korean church members. The Cathedral was designed by British architect Arthur Dixon and the consecration ceremony for the new Cathedral was held on May 2, 1926. As the Cathedral was being constructed during the time of the Japanese colonial period in Korea, it was not possible for the Church to be finished according to the original design for a cross shaped building and so the transepts on either side and the nave were scaled back in length and the building remained essentially incomplete. However the discovery of original architect’s drawings in a library in England in 1993 enabled the completion of the Cathedral according to the original plans in 1996. This beautiful Cathedral which is in the Romanesque style harmonized with traditional Korean architectural methods covers an area of 991.7 square meters and is built of brick and granite. The exterior cruciform shape gives a rhythmic feeling to the Cathedral. While in the interior the twelve stone pillars standing on the left and right sides in the nave of the Cathedral signify the twelve apostles and the mosaic in the apse behind the main altar is crowned with the image of Christ. In the Crypt Chapel the remains of Bishop Mark Trolloppe are interred beneath the engraved brass monument bearing his likeness.

Our People

The Revd. Dr. Jeremiah K. Yang

•Retired Professor, SeongKongHoe University in Korea
•University of Birmingham, U.K
(Ph.D in Theology and Religion)

The Revd. Lawrence. M.RHEE

• Special Education Teacher and Chaplain, St.Peter’s School in Korea
• University of Exeter, U.K (MA in Theology and Religious studies)

Mrs. Elisabeth J. Cho

• Professor of Piano at various Universities.
• Organist for the English Mission Mass at Seoul Anglican Cathedral, Seoul.
Mozarteum University Salzburg Austria.